Apr 16, 2016

The Peculiar Sex Life of Adolf Hitler - IRISH EXAMINER review: April 2016 by Siobhan Pat Mulcahy

Julius Schreck, Hitler's Munich chauffeur, occasional bodyguard and doppelganger, fulfilled the German dictator's fantasy of the love between a powerful man and his obedient and loyal servant. They were lovers from 1931 until Schreck's death from meningitis in 1936.

ADOLF HITLER, the man responsible for the deaths of more than 70 million people continues to divide historians and researchers. What was the origin of his evil? How could such a thing have happened?
A few years ago, I wrote an article for CrimeMagazine.com called ‘The real Adolf Hitler’. The article received over 30,000 hits on the internet in the days following publication. It seems people continue to be fascinated by him. During my research, I discovered that the German dictator liked Catholic convent school girls and had many homosexual partners. My interest in his life increased. If a man’s sexuality cannot tell you who he really is or was, then nothing else will. VIEW BOOK SAMPLE
The Peculiar Sex Life of Adolf Hitler is the culmination of almost two years writing and research. It analyses all the phases of Hitler’s sexual experiences: His early mother fixation, his long-term homosexual phase, and his final years as a “reluctant heterosexual”.
You can buy The Peculiar Sex Life of Adolf Hitler on Amazon by clicking here.